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If you graduate from high school, it’s only it!
If you graduate from high school, it’s only it! As every year, May is the month of high school diplomas, commonly known as the secondary school-leaving examination. In most cases, this is the moment when the student makes a decision regarding the choice of the field of study. However, a large number of high school graduates have their future in mind before they finally decide which subjects to pass on the secondary school-leaving examination. An interesting proposition in recent years is certainly IT, which is worth looking at.
Why is IT worth choosing during studies?
The IT industry covers many technical fields, including the aforementioned IT. In recent years, this area has been developing very intensively, because every several months you can notice the emergence of a new technology or other innovation in the IT area, and above all a new program or application. Therefore, high school graduates are more and more willing to choose IT studies , although they are not the easiest ones, contrary to the popular opinion of the society. It is also worth emphasizing that the above-mentioned trend – the dynamic development of the IT industry, will most likely continue in the coming years. Many experts also predict that this progress may slightly accelerate.
Due to the development of the IT industry, the labor market needs a large number of IT specialists and will need an even greater number of specialists in this field of knowledge. First of all, those who will have general education in this field. However, it can be assumed that many industries will need and look for highly qualified specialists who know a very narrow field of programming, or support internal and external systems and other systems. That is why it is worth getting acquainted with the specificity and possibilities offered by IT studies . This will probably provide an interesting path for professional development, frequent challenges and the possibility of cooperation on various projects, both national and international.
Currently, many devices used in everyday life and at the workplace use more or less complex programs. The need to introduce changes that will eliminate errors or modernize to improve work requires the presence of an IT specialist in the team. This is another advantage of the aforementioned studies, as work as an IT specialist can now be found in almost every industry on the market. IT studiesis an opportunity to find a job in the technical industry, such as: automotive, sailing, pharmacy, medicine, physical laboratory, biotechnology, chemical laboratory, medical analytics laboratory, wood industry and others, in the manufacture of machines and everyday equipment use and in many others. It is also an opportunity to start cooperation in the public sector, which includes numerous institutions. Here you can mention both offices and educational institutions, hospitals, clinics, uniformed services (police, army, border guards, fire brigades, aviation, navy) and housing cooperatives.
Studies, what to expect from them?
The first year of computer science studies may turn out to be extremely difficult and surprising when it comes to the selection of subjects included in the study program. This is due to the overwhelming number of basic subjects over major subjects. Mathematics, probabilistic sciences and a foreign language dominate. Of course, there is also English, because it is the basic language used in most of the available programs. And this is just the beginning of the surprises that await the young high school graduate! The learning system in high school is very different from what you will soon come across in both full-time and part-time studies. It should be emphasized that gaining knowledge will require much more own work than before.
IT studies are a field of study where you can gain comprehensive knowledge in theoretical and, above all, practical areas. As it might seem, these studies are not only the ability to build a computer from scratch or its repair. Nowadays, the use of programming is increasing, and there are several different languages available. As a result, every IT specialist knows one of these languages very well. Another two or three, if he knows it very cursoryly. The greatest advantage of this type of university, however, is the fact that its graduates very often find well-paid jobs. Such professionals are still highly valued in the labor market. The unemployment rate among graduates of technical faculties is the lowest.
If you want to choose a future-oriented field of study, it is worth focusing on IT studies , which are offered by numerous universities, such as universities, polytechnics and private universities. If you want to verify these proposals, you can go to the open days organized by these educational institutions and get acquainted with the opinion of older colleagues. These will surely be valuable insights that will help you make a decision about your choice of studies.
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